About Pien & Polle
Yes, I’ve managed to achieve my dream. My name is Monique van Oijen and I am the founder of Pien & Polle. I am married and have 3 children. My daughter, the middle child, has multiple and complex disabilities. She has Rett syndrome.
In the past I often modified clothes for her. Simply because it made them more comfortable or because certain types of clothing weren’t available or for sale. I’ve always looked for practical solutions, because she’s wheelchair-bound and wears a diaper.
I’ve also sat myself behind my sewing machine in the past for children of friends and acquaintances who also found themselves with these practical problems. I think this sounds familiar to a lot of you? This is how Pien & Polle was born.
I think that, with the clothing specially designed and made for Pien & Polle, I can make a lot of handicapped children and their parents happy, and that’s what really matters to me…